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Gordini Womens Lily Gloves

The Gordini Lily Glove will keep your hands dry while you ski, shovel snow, and have snowball fights with the kids. Aquabloc provides the waterproofing, keeping snow from getting in from the outside. A Hydrowick lining gets rid of sweat, so your hands don’t get wet from the inside. The Lily Glove is also ultra breathable, reducing the chances that sweat will crop up in the first place. For dexterity, Gordini gave the Lily Gloves flexible fabric, a pre-curved design, and dura-grip palm. SHELL: Flex fabric with breathe weave stretch woven fabric, dura-grip palm, fingers, thumb, and wrap caps. INSULATION: Megaloft insulation and Hydrowick microdenier lining with thermo-plush lining inside the cuff, and ultra breathable, waterproof, windproof Aquabloc insert. FEATURES: Aquabloc, Megaloft, gauntlet cinch closure, wrap caps, palm and thumb reinforcement.

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